
For general guidance see the reStructuredText Primer and other online resources.

Details are provided below for MyriadRF conventions.


Every Sphinx document has multiple sections or heading levels. Section headers are created by underlining (and optionally overlining) the section title with a punctuation character, at least as long as the text.

Levels are not assigned to specific characters and instead the structure is determined from their succession. However, for the sake of consistency across projects they should be used in this order:

  • # for title – with overline, for parts

  • * for subtitle – with overline, for chapters

  • =, for sections

  • -, for subsections

  • ^, for subsubsections

  • ", for paragraphs

This follows the Python community best practice.

Levels give structure to the document, which is used in navigation and in the display in all output formats.

Regular documents start with a title heading underlined by #. Subtitles are optional. Headings are then marked with = and - etc.

Subscript and Superscript

Subscript and superscript characters can be generated using the :sub: and :sup: roles. For example:

Upper limit 10\ :sup:`6`. See note\ :sub:`2`.


Upper limit 106. See note2.


Interpreted text needs to be surrounded by whitespace or punctuation, which means that if we don’t want a gap, e.g. between 10 and 6, or between note and 2, we need to escape the whitespace with a backslash.

Non-ASCII Characters

Non-ASCII characters can be inserted by using substitutions and these are defined in the file substitutions.txt in the root of the Sphinx project. For example, the right arrow (→) is inserted by entering |rarr|. If a character is not currently supported, simply look up the Unicode ID and add it to substitutions.txt.

Equations (LaTeX)


Where it would be the first use of equations in a project, check and ensure that the sphinxcontrib-jsmath and sphinx-mathjax-offline Python modules are present in requirements.txt, and that the extensions sphinx.ext.mathjax and sphinx-mathjax-offline are set up in

For inline math use this format:

Here is an equation: :math:`a^2 + b^2 = c^2`.

Which results in:

Here is an equation: \(a^2 + b^2 = c^2\).

Alternatively, for a block with multiple equations, which should be separated by a line:

.. math::

   (a + b)^2 = a^2 + 2ab + b^2

   (a - b)^2 = a^2 - 2ab + b^2

Which gives:

\[ \begin{align}\begin{aligned}(a + b)^2 = a^2 + 2ab + b^2\\(a - b)^2 = a^2 - 2ab + b^2\end{aligned}\end{align} \]

For further details see the Sphinx math directive.